==================================== Readme for METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser Copyright © 2000 Computas AS. All rights reserved. ==================================== Please read this readme file carefully as it provides important information about METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser. METIS Model Browser Release Bulletin ==================================== The METIS Model Browser Release Bulletin is available from the METIS Model Browser Help system under METIS Resources. To read the release bulletin you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later. You can download Acrobat Reader using a shortcut in the METIS 3.0 program group or from the METIS Model Browser Help system under METIS Resources. Installation of the METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser ============================================= It is not possible to run both the METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser and older versions of the Model Browser within the same Netscape or Internet Explorer installation. A previously installed Model Browser for METIS 1.10, METIS 2.1 or METIS 2.2 must therefore be uninstalled before you are allowed to install the Model Browser for METIS 3.0.1. Or you can choose to install the METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser for Microsoft Internet Explorer and leave the Netscape Model Browser for METIS 2.2 intact or vice-versa. Then you can use Netscape for your METIS 2.2 models, and Microsoft Internet Explorer for METIS 3.0.x models. The installation program will update the plugin-directory in your Netscape installation, or in your Microsoft Internet Explorer Installation, or both. Migration from METIS 2.2 ======================== Browsable models published with METIS 2.2 cannot be browsed using the METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser, and vice-versa. To publish models for the METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser (which includes support for Internet Explorer 4 and 5), you need to open the models in METIS 3.0.1 and run through the Model Browser Wizard to create new model browser files. The model browser files for METIS 3.0.1 should be put in a different location than METIS 2.2 to continue supporting your METIS 2.2 audience. If people amongst your audience happens to open a model browser file for METIS 3.0.1 with the METIS 2.2 Model Browser, or vice-versa, he will be directed to the Model Browser download page at http://www.computas.com/metis/products/model_browser/metis30/index.html automatically. Note: If you want to continue browsing models published with METIS 2.2 you can install the METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser for Internet Explorer or Netscape only. This allows you to browse the METIS 2.2 models using Netscape Communicator, and METIS 3.0.1 models using Internet Explorer or vice-versa. Corresponding METIS 3.0.1 Engine version ======================================== Publishers ---------- To publish models for a local computer, a LAN, an intranet or the Internet, you need to install METIS 3.0.1. Local computer: Use the Model Browser Wizard to create the Model Browser file. Make sure the 'Use default' option is checked in the METIS Home Location window. LAN: Use the Model Browser Wizard to define the METIS Home Location. Domain, metamodel and symbol files must be installed on the network server addressed by the METIS Home Location value. Intranet: Configure the Web-server to serve KMD, KMV and SVG files. Instructions on how to do this is found in the METIS 3.0 Getting Started book. Use the Model Browser Wizard to define the METIS Home Location. Domain, metamodel and symbol files must be installed on the intranet server addressed by the METIS Home Location value. Internet: Follows the same instructions as Intranet, but it is only necessary to define the METIS Home Location and publish the domain, metamodel and symbol files if these are not served from another Web-server. Readers ------- If you only want to browse published models, you don't need to install the METIS 3.0.1 Engine. However, if you have installed METIS 3.0.1, the METIS Model Browser will read the system XML-files (system XML -files are files containing information needed by any model, for example symbols, object types and relationship types) from your local computer when available. This will speed up model load time significantly since system XML-files will then not have to be transferred over the Internet. What's New ========== METIS 3.0.1 Model Browser contains the following new functionality compared to METIS 2.2 : - XML/SVG standardization The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the universal format for structured documents and data on the Web. METIS 3.0.1 uses XML to store its information (instead of MML - METIS Model Language). Three new file extenstions have been introduced: KMV, KMD and SVG. - Model-content Internationalization Unicode is a coded character set which assigns unique numbers to about 30,000 of the worlds characters - it provides a unique encoding for every character. - Property List The new property list dialog allows visualizing of instance properties in a spreadsheet fashion way. - Online Document Associated documents can be opened by the new Right Mouse Button command 'Open Document'. - Miscellaneous Enhancements * New Parent and Child links in the Property dialog. * The symbol URI is now shown in the Property dialog. * Support for Dates on Object Types (e.g. Person). * Text overflow on object views is now indicated with ellipses (...) * Online Help is now available. Supported Platforms =================== The METIS Model Browser is supported for Netscape Communicator Version 4 and Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4 and 5 on Windows 95/98 and Windows NT Workstation. Web-site ======== Please visit the Web-site at http://www.computas.com/metis/products/model_browser/ for the latest information about the METIS Model Browser, and other useful information. Computas AS Lysaker, Norway, September 2000 COPYRIGHT ========= MICROSOFT, MICROSOFT OFFICE COMPATIBLE, and MICROSOFT WINDOWS NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. WINDOWS and WINDOWS NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. NETSCAPE is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.